8030-CE-RH Intrinsically Safe Carrier extender, right hand
Proficy SafetgNet is one of the main technologies currently offered by GE Intelligent Platforms and is an economical and efficient functional safety system capable of meeting today's safety requirements in emergency shutdown, fire gas and boiler management.
The PAC8000 SafetyNet system is a new addition to GE's Intelligent Platforms product family. Shared a base platform with the PAC8000 control system, developed and certified a new SafetyNet controller, a new Earth Leakage Fault Detection (EFLD) controller backplane, and two new SafetyNet I/O modules. The SafetyNet system uses the same terminal blocks, I/O module backplanes and power supplies as process control products. Its configuration and application design are carried out using safety application specific software tools - but share an identical programming environment.
A key feature of the PAC8000 product is openness. SafetyNet nodes can communicate with standard PAC8000 nodes, data warehouse and asset management and HMI via redundant fault-tolerant Ethernet at speeds up to 100Mbit/s.
Standard I/O modules and SafetyNet I/O modules can be installed on SafetyNet nodes at the same time without affecting the functional safety of the nodes. Only standard applications can read data on standard modules, but both standard and SafetyNet applications can write data to standard modules. This flexibility can simplify hardware design.
8755-CA-NS EBIM carrier
8101-HI-TX 8-channel AI, 4-20mA with HART
8119-VI-05 8-channel Voltage Input, 1-5Vdc
8102-HO-IP 8-channel AO, with HART for 4-20mA
8121-DI-DC 16-channel DI, 24Vdc non-isolated, module powered
8103-AI-TX 8-channel AI, 4-20mA
8122-DI-DC 16-channel DI, 24Vdc isolated, sinking
8104-AO-IP 8-channel AO, 4-20mA
8125-DI-DC 32-channel DI, non-isolated, module-powered
8105-TI-TC 4-channel THC/mV input
8127-DI-SE 32-channel SOE module
8106-TI-RT 4-channel RTD input
8129-IO-DC 8-channel Supervised Discrete I/O
8109-DI-DC 8-channel DI, 24Vdc isolated, sinking
8132-AI-UN 8-channel Isolated Universal Analog Input 4-20mA, Thermocouple, RTD, Voltage
8110-DI-DC 8-channel DI, 24Vdc non-isolated, module powered
8133-HI-TX 8-Channel Supervised AI with HART
8111-DI-AC 8-channel DI, 115Vac isolated, sinking
8139-SH-DC 126-channel Addressable Smoke and Heat
8112-DI-AC 8-channel DI, 115Vac non-isolated, module powered
8140-DI-AC 16-channel Digital Input, 115VAC isolated, sinking
8114-DI-AC 8-channel DI, 230Vac non-isolated, module powered
8142-DO-DC 16-channel Digital Output, 12-42VDC, module powered
8115-DO-DC 8-channel DO, 2-60Vdc non-isolated,module powered
8810-HI-TX 8-Channel Safety AI, 4-20mA with HART
8117-DO-DC 8-channel DO, 2-60Vdc isolated, unpowered
8811-IO-DC 8-Channel Safety DI/DO, 24VDC, module-powered
8118-DO-AC 8-channel DO, 20-250Vac isolated, unpowered
8201-HI-IS 8-channel Intrinsically Safe Analog Input, 4-20mA with Hart
8206-TI-IS 8-channel Intrinsically Safe RTD input
8202-HO-IS 8-channel Intrinsically Safe Analog Output, 4-20 mA with Hart
8215-DO-IS 4-channel Intrinsically Safe Digital Output, solenoid driver IIC gas groups
8204-AO-IS 8-channel Intrinsically Safe Analog Output, 4-20 mA
8220-DI-IS 16-channel Intrinsically Safe Digital Input, switch/promixmity detector
8205-TI-IS 8-channel Intrinsically Safe THC/mV input
8601-FT-NI Field terminal, non-incendive (Div 2)
8617-FT-NI Field Terminal, non-incendive, for 16 ch DI
8602-FT-ST Field terminal, standard
8618-FT-MT 16-pin Mass Termination Assembly (Div 2)
8603-FT-FU Field terminal, non-incendive, fused (Div 2)
8619-FT-MT 44-pin Mass Termination Assembly (Div 2)
8604-FT-FU Field terminal, fused
8620-FT-MT Field terminal assembly
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Replacing an electrical equipment unit in a plant is a complex task that requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety and minimize downtime. Here is a general step-by-step guide on how to replace electrical equipment in a plant:
Safety Precautions:
Shutdown Procedures:
Removal of Existing Equipment:
Installation of New Equipment:
Testing and Commissioning:
Throughout the process, it’s important to work closely with a team that includes electrical engineers, technicians, and maintenance staff. Communication is key to a successful equipment replacement. Additionally, always adhere to local electrical codes and standards to ensure compliance and safety. If the task is beyond the expertise of in-house staff, consider hiring a professional contractor experienced in industrial electrical work.
Obtaining industrial automation programming software typically involves the following steps:
Identify Your Needs:
Research Software Options:
Contact Equipment Manufacturers:
Purchase or Download:
Academic or Evaluation Versions:
Open Source Options:
Training and Support:
Legal and Compliance:
Installation and Setup:
Here are some common ways to obtain industrial automation programming software:
Remember to keep your software updated to benefit from the latest features and security patches. Also, ensure that you have the necessary backup and recovery procedures in place to protect your programming work.
All new products and surplus products of the industrial intelligence industry, as well as the discontinued products of the original manufacturers. We are not an authorized distributor or representative of any of the above manufacturers (except for brand authorization). The trademarks, brand names and brands appearing in this agreement are the property of their respective manufacturers.
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