ABB IMASI23 Analog Input Module
The IMASI23 Analog Input Module is a Harmony rack I/O
module that is part of the Symphony Enterprise Management
and Control System. It has 16 analog input channels that
interface isolated thermocouple, millivolt, RTD, and high level
analog signals to a controller with an analog-to-digital conversion
resolution of 24 bits. Each channel has its own analog-
to-digital converter and can be independently configured to
handle the desired input type. These analog inputs are used by
a controller to monitor and control a process.
The IMASI23 module can be used as a direct replacement for
the IMASI03 or IMASI13 modules with only minor modifications.
Changes to specification S11 in function code 216 are
required to handle the differences in resolution choices. Verification
of power supply sizing calculations and system current
requirements could be necessary because of the change in
power consumption.
This instruction explains the IMASI23 module specifications
and operation. It details the procedures necessary to complete
setup, installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and
replacement of the module.
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