LAUER PCS 009, PCS 090, PCS 095, PCS 095.1
Machine operation using 8 (PCS 009, PCS 090) or 16 (PCS 095, PCS 095.1)
freely assignable keys. These F01 to F08/F16 labeled keys can be application
specifically inscribed and are provided to the controller as status bits.
n Machine operation using 4 (PCS 009), 16 (PCS 090) or 32 (PCS 095, PCS
095.1) freely usable LEDs. These can be assigned the indicating states ON,
DARK, FLASHING, and INVERSE FLASHING. A green and a yellow LED is allocated
to each function key.
n Display of fixed texts with integrated variable values. The values can be
represented selectably as numerical values or in text format.
n Representation of the contents of 233 words as variables. In addition, 650
external variables can be defined. 9 variable formats (from bit to timer) are
n 3 text groups, 128 operating texts as menu and idle texts, 128 message texts
with up to 332 lines, 5 help texts with up to 32 lines.
n 127 menus with 255 menu nodes each for any menu configurations.
n 4 different deletion modes. For every message, 1 of 4 possible deletion modes
can be selected.
n Modification of the content of any word within the transfer area. Using the
integrated editor all possible representation formats can be setup.
n 7 priority levels for idle text up to help text, 3 message priorities Information,
Warning, Fault. This working-condition related management significantly offloads
the programmable controller program.
n Monitoring of rising or falling edges of 128 consecutive bits. The assignment
of texts, the manage-ment of 3 priority levels (Information, Warnings, and Faults),
keeping the timely sequence as much as possible, organization of the FIRST
MESSAGE, LAST MESSAGE, and CYCLIC DISPLAY, the individually settable deletion
behaviour, and the representation formats NORMAL and FLASHING are tasks
which are managed by the PCS by itself.
n Communication monitoring (wire-break, short circuit). A very efficient data
transfer is secured by the integrated priority management in connection with the
intelligent package length optimization, the high thruput rate and the fault tolerance.
The variable range is between word W30 and maximum word W255. If this area is not sufficient, then the
extension area can also be used (PCS 009, PCS 090: W23...W29 and PCS 095, PCS 095.1: W26...W29). This
area is however intended for necessary modifications and therefore is to be used with care (PLC programming!).
If all messages are not required, then the words 15...22 can be used for the variables.
More detailed information about the various variable types can be found in the chapter "VARIABLES/TEXTS/
Before the exchange of data, every variable set and actual value must be written in the corresponding words.
After the data exchange only the set values must be read back from the respective words.
It is recommended to address variables of the same display page in packets! This also saves PLC cycle time.
The addressing order to the individual variables occurs by programming (PCSPRO ) of PCS 090, PCS 095, PCS
The variable formats STRING, CSTRING, BCD, BIN, WORD and ASCII use the words right aligned and ascending,
e.g., BIN-2 on W30...W31 (W30 is HIGH word and W31 is LOW word). The format bit can be used on every
individual bit (in order to use every 16 bit in a bit-by-bit manner, 16 bit variables have to be declared). One and
the same word can be source and target for several variables even with different format. As a set value, it is
recommended to only allot one variable format to a word. One or more actual value variables with differing
formats can however at the same time be allocated to this word.
Leading and non used bits in the set values of the types STRING, CSTRING, BCD(0)-1 (length 1...3) and BCD(0)-
2 (lengths 1...7) are ignored on reading and on writing back they are set at 0 in the PLC. The type bit only changes
the currently addressed bit!
Set values should be occupied as far as possible corresponding to their permitted min-/max-values, before the
new start, as they are required as a standard value on which to base the editing. If they are outside the min-
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